Are You Feeling Stuck, Undervalued and Confused About How to Increase Your Performance at Work?

Have you been asking yourself questions such as...

  • “How do I communicate better with my team?”

  • “How do I navigate corporate politics?”

  • “How do I increase my value and win as a leader in current times?”

  • “How do I stop reacting and better handle stress at work?”

  • If you have answered YES to some or all of these questions, you're in the right place.

Imagine If You Could:

  • Feel less frustrated at and less overwhelmed by your job.

  • Build relationships with your team that empowered them to perform their best.

  • Have the confidence to have tough conversations and give sensitive feedback without creating conflict or resentment.

  • Uncover your personal blindspots that have been sabotaging your success and advancement.

This Course Builds the Next Generation of Leaders

This isn't your typical leadership training where it all looks good on paper, yet a month later, you're still dealing with the same issues with your colleagues, your boss, and lacking real job satisfaction. 


Our course/bootcamp integrates all the leadership pillars essential for leading yourself and others. You will enhance your communication skills, become a coach for your team, gain self-mastery, and discover your most authentic leadership style.


We are focused on developing you as an individual first and foremost because research has proven that the only way to get permanent results is to begin with, yourself.

Leadership 3.0 Bootcamp is the first of its kind that combines the best leadership principles with cognitive behavior science techniques to make you a highly respected and successful leader.

By the End of This 4-week Bootcamp,
You'll Have:

  • A new personal operating system in place that will empower you to manage stress better and make the right decisions.

  • Made the shift from reacting (or overreacting) during conversations to building more trusting workplace relationships.

  • Had the confidence to have tough conversations and give sensitive feedback without creating conflict or resentment.

  • The tools to build strong teams and a healthy culture without losing sight of business results and profitability.

  • An increased aptitude for navigating corporate politics and dealing with uncertainty.

Here's What You'll Get in Leadership 3.0 Bootcamp:

  • Weekly Videos and Lesson Planning

  • A Digital Workbook with Lessons & Exercises

  • Weekly 1-hour Group Coaching Sessions & Office Hours

  • Access to GrayMatter Leadership Toolbox

  • 30 minutes 1:1 VIP Coaching with BJ is included (Bonus today)

When you add it all up, it comes to a
total investment of $1499.

Enroll today for a special one-time investment
and get instant access to Leadership 3.0 Bootcamp
for only $297!

Hi. My name is BJ Gray, the founder and executive coach at GrayMatter Career Coaching.

I'm a former corporate alum who now spends a significant part of my days coaching leaders to reach new levels of success by strengthening their mental fitness.

About five years ago, I could have used me!

I was exhausted, stuck, and not getting any real value from my career as VP of Business Operations.

At first, my dissatisfaction was more about blaming the company, the culture, and my colleagues instead of asking, "What skills do I lack to manage this complex business environment?"

What I didn't realize at the time was that the skills I needed most were self-awareness and a mindset strategy to help me build a strong inner game.

Fast forward to 2020, and the need to become a mentally fit, resilient leader capable of staying grounded amid uncertainty has exponentially increased. Never has it become more crucial to develop self-awareness, practice brave leadership, and build trust among your people.

That's why I built this course. My intention is for more leaders to have access to tools, mindset strategies, and know-how to create better leadership success.

The Leadership 3.0 course will help you develop the emotional intelligence muscle you need to think on a whole new level. Because being a better leader doesn't have to be hard. You just need to get in shape!

Not Sure if Leadership 3.0 Bootcamp is Right for You?

Clients enroll in my coaching program because...

  • They struggle with team dynamics and certain personalities.
  • They want to feel more valued for the work they’re doing.

  • They want to gain confidence, speak up and influence others around them.

  • They want to improve communication and learn how to effectively provide honest feedback to their teams.

If any of these are familiar to you, our Leadership 3.0 Bootcamp is definitely right for you.

Here's why you need to get inside the Leadership 3.0 Bootcamp and build up your mental fitness.

The corporate world, as we know it, has been turned upside down. 
Succeeding as a leader in the current environment is no longer about performance alone. You need to know how to build trust and develop better relationships within the business.


Most importantly, you need to remain resilient and demonstrate that you're capable of having tough conversations, navigate curveballs, and lead people to victory regardless of circumstances. 

That isn't something that happens by default. It requires skills and the know-how that you can only get once you become an insider.

Here’s What I Keep hearing…

  • I’m too busy to do this right now.

    Often you get trapped in overwhelm because we are lacking the skills that are taught in the Leadership 3.0. Ironically, the best way to create more time is to invest in your mental fitness.

  • I’m not sure I’m at the right level to do this yet.

    It’s not a matter of rank, it’s a question of awareness and willingness to unlock your potential now. This course can help you increase confidence and competency so you can fast track your success and leadership skills.

  • I’m not a leader at work.

    All of us are leaders whether we realize it or not. We manage ourselves, our homes and in some cases other individuals in the workplace. Anyone who wants to learn self-leadership and self-mastery will benefit from this course.